
It’s early afternoon as I write you – a day much like any other day at Mercy.
When you visit a shack where poor children live, you'll find that they have next to nothing they can call their own: no toys, no books, not even a mattress to sleep on. Worst of all for the poorest of these children, they have no chance to go to school.
Following the floods that inundated Bangkok this past October, we initiated a comprehensive emergency relief campaign in several slum communities. With support from friends around the world, we were able to reach out to thousands of the poorest of the poor in desperate need, providing emergency assistance, food, lodging (in our preschools), and home repairs.
On January 26, 2012, The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Thailand gave recognition to Fr. Joe and six other fighters for equality at its annual awards ceremony, held here in Bangkok.
As we look back on 2011, we see how fortunate we are to have wonderful friends and family. We have 200 children who live as our family in Mercy Centre – a family rich in love and joy that grows stronger every day.

The Everyday Joys of Mercy

24 November 2011

Last year we experienced horrifying civil strife in Bangkok. This year we have devastating floods. But no matter what is happening outside, in Mercy Centre our children rule the day, mostly with their laughter and smiles.  For a glimpse into their everyday lives, please visit our new photo gallery. All photos by Rick Ashley.