Local News Channel Highlights Our Mercy Kindergartens

30 April 2014

How do young children develop lifetime learning skills? Local news Channel 3 reports that our Mercy Kindergartens - which have taught over 40,000 poor children how to read and write in the past 41 years - are paradigms in preparing children for their formal education. Our Mercy kindergarten studentsgain the skills to propel them successfully into primary school and far beyond.

Our foundation's Executive Director Fr. Wirach Amonpattana tells the Channel 3 reporter, "When Thai children have access to quality education at an early age, they become valuable long-term resources to their communities. A strong early education is like the base of a sturdy ladder, motivating children to advance upward in their studies with self confidence."

Please click on the link below to see the entire story - in Thai language only:


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