How We Helped Bangkok's Flood Victims

1 Febuary 2012

Following the floods that inundated Bangkok this past October, we initiated a comprehensive emergency relief campaign in several slum communities. With support from friends around the world, we were able to reach out to thousands of the poorest of the poor in desperate need, providing emergency assistance, food, lodging (in our preschools), and home repairs.

The scope of our emergency flood relief efforts:

Families Over 700

Emergency Packages: Over 1, 500

Bags (5 kgs/each) of Rice Over 1,000

Drinking Water: We supplied thousands of gallons of drinking water throughout the slums.

Kindergartens: several Mercy Kindergartens were affected and required major repairs, new furniture, teaching materials, and equipment. We are happy to report that all our schools remained open with some schools moving to temporary quarters on higher ground. Many students were transported to our schools by way of boats and rafts. Today all our schools are fully operational at their original sites.

We wish to thank all of you who supported our efforts!

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