Dear everyone - good morning. I send these pictures to you guys simply because they tell of success in our kid’s story: your kids & mine.
You know, when you come here to Mercy, the kids will join, a mob – four or five of them – race to grab your hand so you don’t fall down – even if you don’t have the slightest intention to fall down and walk quite well ……. They do this cuz you’re old … like me, not only because I’m 85. This is in the ‘self -made rules’ of a five-year old. For them, old folks like us always need a hand, no matter what. It’s part of being five years old.
Our “home’ is always open – you don’t have to knock. And the doors of our 18 Mercy slum Schools. Just dust off your feet on the mat at the front door - - like you would in your Granny’s slum shack.
Here there is always something to eat – always an extra coloring book & coloring Pencils & books that teach you how to count – that’s really important. For sure.
So you don’t cheat yourself at the seven-eleven store. But if you’re only four or five & always live with granny cuz your mom has gone away … it’s pretty scary to go into a seven eleven story alone / like you’ve never done it before – so you get a big six year old neighbor to go with you. Using money you’ve got from collected thrown-aways & plastic bottles, whatever you find on the street –stuff you trade with the junk guy for cash –like when your mercy school kitchen ain’t open. Like when granny lost her money on the wrong lottery ticket.
Will you walk with me/ will you take me by the hand. Will you come with me to a Mercy Centre Kindergarten. Meet our kids. It’s not that they are poor – it’s just that they ‘don’t got any thing;’ and day to day as you see in the pictures.
It is a true picture of being poor & living that way – with honor & dignity - never losing your pride/ pride in who you. Not letting others take your pride away.
To walk through the front door of Mercy Centre is a huge step ‘into the good life.’ Imagine! A Step up in living conditions. The secret you soon learn there is how to play. Lots of times kids come to “Mercy & ‘don’t know how to play’ – really -
Rule #1 – Jump up & down with your class mates. And to be told that it’s okay to do so. Even your teacher will jump up & down with you. Wow!
Rule# 2 - Don’t be naughty. Don’t say bad words to hurt your friends. Shout the loudest.
And finally, and most of all – don’t ever leave your friend
Standing there all alone. Abandoned.
Fr Joe